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Wed – Sun
09:30 – 16:00

The Kent Mining Museum opened its doors in 2022 after many years of hard work, campaigning and anticipation by the ex-mining community.

The museum tells the story of the Kent Coalfield from its early beginnings to the closure of its last pit in 1989.

Over a century of coal told in the words of the community themselves through objects, interactives and audio-visual histories.

The museum is run and supported by the charity The Kent Mining Heritage Foundation whose key aims and purposes are to:

  • To record and preserve Kent’s mining heritage, and to further public understanding of old and new forms of energy
  • To enhance the quality of life in this disadvantaged community through the provision of education, skill-sharing, and leisure activities
  • To provide facilities that foster health and social welfare, especially for those who suffer due to age, disability, and social disadvantage.

We aim to be inclusive and accessible for all. Visitors who may need additional assistance are encouraged to contact us ahead of their visit, so we can ensure requirements are met and their experience enjoyable.  

The aims of the museum are:

  • To collect, curate and conserve the stories and collections of the Kent mining communities, in an exciting, engaging and accessible way
  • To enable a wide range of people to participate in, and learn about, Kent’s mining heritage
  • To conserve the heritage for present and future generations to experience and enjoy
  • To celebrate the coalmining industry in Kent and its wide economic and social impact
  • To bring together the Kent mining communities, their stories and collections – specifically Aylesham, Tilmanstone, Chislet, Dover Museum and East Kent Railway
  • To achieve Museum Accreditation within two years of operation

The charity has a board of trustees who are experts in their field and provide knowledge, strategic leadership and responsible management of the museum and its assets. 

The museum is open to the public all year round Wednesday-Sunday 09:30-16:00 (and most Bank Holidays) and can be booked for tours and visits.